yeah it was kind of like, i'm 27 and still live in a frat house.. you honestly expect me to have "moral fiber" and a "conscience"
they just started talking about wanting to bang stephanie tanner from full house
Dude apparently i ran into the middle of a half marathon last night and some how won
I found a digiorno pizza in my washing machine.
Next time, showing us his dick should be his entry fee into your house.
Why did I just get a ziplock baggie labeled "2010" on it from you in the mail?
we played a my little pint drinking game. It was awesome.
We were tripping too hard to figure out to tell him where we were so we sent a picture of me laying outside the tent saying "find us"
While you wait, fill out your state patrol application. Not trying to be your mom, I just really want to fuck a cop.
Shame?!? Shame only comes from getting naked in front of strangers and it not being awesome
I should be trashily making out with an air force cadet in the beach volleyball court by now
You were yelling at the mannequin and saying "DON'T LOOK AT ME"
"Accidentally" bump into him after class.
I'm gonna "accidentally" put his dick in my mouth.
its the 14th virginity that counts the most anayways
It's a testament to the kinds of spouses/parents we will be that we get so wasted but still show up to every class on time. We honor our commitments bitches!