im at a bar with my dad last night and he got hit on more that I did
Swear. I think after passing out in a community college parking lot I can safely nominate myself for the piece of shit of the year award
Semi hypothetical question. Do you think its physically possible to bruise your clit?
she might purposely get aids just to give it to you. I think she might hate you that much.
She's good at three things and two of them involve dicks. And other one involves her love for arts
I like yr title more along "the hot Russian I have sex with."
next photo in the 'cherished memories' series- Jess's bed. Note the vomit actually UNDER the pillows. shes a genius.
That's the best thing about having gay dads, you don't gotta do shit on mothers da and everybody is down wit getting wasted on mimosas at brunch
The strip clubs here are like a safari of penis, and I'm gonna bag me a rhino.
Would you and/or him be willing to dress up like the phantom, sing me music of the night and then bone the shit out of me? this is important.
I didn't know whether to laugh at the fact that a dog bit his balls or throw up cause my dad was telling me a story involving his balls.
She told me she loved my new hairstyle. I told her its called head head.
He's all enlightened and liberal. My next beefcake will be much more Neanderthal.
Omg in one week, two guys with their own names tattooed on their bodies had their tongues in my mouth. Self loathing shall commence now.
I cannot belive our party caught on fire