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  • I guess she got a "backhanded compliment"? /pun

    Submitted by schlock on Jul 29, 10 at 9:45am
  • Nobody appreciates bitches that fish for compliments

    Submitted by spinellipbr on Jul 29, 10 at 9:47am
  • Never hit girls.

    Submitted by Leaf on Jul 29, 10 at 9:48am
  • Yes they can, they freakin give me back trouble... how would you feel if you had to carry ten extra pounds on ur chest?

    Submitted by cbtango on Jul 29, 10 at 10:03am
  • I won't hit a girl but I'll smack a bitch

    Submitted by BrohammedAli on Jul 29, 10 at 3:24pm
  • If they stop u standing close to the stove they're too big. U need to keep an eye on dinner

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 29, 10 at 10:18am
  • There's a difference between big and sloppy and just plain big. If it's a medical concern that's one thing, otherwise don't bitch about a gift.

    Submitted by spinellipbr on Jul 29, 10 at 11:39am
  • I'm pretty sure you mean "chauvinism." Chauvinisticness isn't a word.

    Submitted by Anon106106 on Jul 29, 10 at 3:13pm
  • In Soviet Russia, well endowed women slap you!

    Submitted by SovietMotherland on Jul 29, 10 at 12:48pm
  • Seriously men, treat a woman like a lady if you want to love a woman. If not the only women who will tolerate you are girls who demean themselves, you dont have to do it for them.

    Submitted by theraputic on Jul 29, 10 at 2:04pm
  • Oh, they can be too big.

    Submitted by pey0te on Jul 29, 10 at 10:03am
  • What if she actually thought her tits were too big? Why would you assume everyone is trying to feel better about themselves through forced compliments?

    Submitted by LynnZee on Jul 29, 10 at 9:48am
  • @anon lol dude this is about some girl who is insecure about her tiny boobies and some guy told her off. No sexism,

    Submitted by burnt921 on Aug 9, 10 at 4:42am
  • seriously men. If you want to love a woman you have to be able to treat her as one. If you continue to demean women you will only have access to women who demean themselves.

    Submitted by theraputic on Jul 29, 10 at 1:59pm
  • I'm a woman, and I approve the chauvinisticness in this thread. Would anyone like a sandwich?

    Submitted by MinagiV on Jul 29, 10 at 2:05pm
  • smoke bitches slap blunts

    Submitted by meowmowmow on Aug 2, 10 at 1:16pm
  • cstinson, that may be the best thing i've ever seen on here.

    Submitted by lockdown23 on Jul 29, 10 at 12:18pm
  • WIN.

    Submitted by BonG_HitS on Jul 31, 10 at 1:55am
  • Shut the fuck up you chauvinistic assholes, if you're even smart enough to know what that word means. The domesticated woman died in the 60s, get with the present.

    Submitted by fergieferg on Jul 29, 10 at 11:52am
    • I'm guessing you're probably not all that attractive

      Submitted by trainsmoke425 on Jul 29, 10 at 12:20pm
    • Hey Susan B. Anthony, \nThis is Texts from last night, not a women's rights movement. If you don't like it then get back to the kitchen

      Submitted by cstinson on Jul 29, 10 at 1:21pm
      • so women only have rights or deserve to be treated with respect in certain politically sensitive situations? you're an ignoramus and a tool. thanks for confirming that this generation is horseshit

        Submitted by anonymous8906 on Jul 29, 10 at 2:17pm
        • shut the fuck up about "this generation" like you're yoda or some enlightened despot. again, if you couldn't read, this is texts from last night, not a women's rights movement. get off your high horse bitch, this isn't polo

          Submitted by just_jd on Aug 8, 10 at 8:19pm
    • yes, all women who stand up for their rights must be ugly dykes, right? try again you fuckheads, this person has a valid point. no man has the right to say that women's rights are an old issue when they don't know firsthand how it feels to be treated like a second class citizen simply because of their lack of a certain appendage. chauvinistic jokes aren't funny, hope they at least make you feel better about your baby dick

      Submitted by anonymous8906 on Jul 29, 10 at 2:14pm
    • "...get with the present."\n\nOh, you mean the present where women whore it out without giving it a second thought? The present where equality is "essential" except when you're forced to deal with the consequences of bad decisions?\n\nYeah, I'm sure that's exactly what the women's lib movement was fighting for; complete and utter hypocrisy. If you don't like a few anonymous jokes here and there, then don't read the fucking site; simple as that.

      Submitted by TMedStud on Jul 29, 10 at 2:48pm
      •'s tfln

        Submitted by belleoftheblvd on Jul 29, 10 at 3:43pm
      • women use and abuse their freedoms every day, just like men. that's what it's about- equal opportunity. they have just as much freedom to whore around as men always have had, which of course sends men reeling because it's a blow to their traditional power. in what way were these comments or this text talking about the consequences of bad decisions? and because of all our various freedoms I am allowed to make comments on attitudes I don't like or appreciate- I enjoy TFLN, just not th

        Submitted by anonymous8906 on Jul 29, 10 at 7:22pm
        • the fuckers who comment on it

          Submitted by anonymous8906 on Jul 29, 10 at 7:27pm
          • Then don't read the comments...simple solution to a simple problem.

            Submitted by TMedStud on Jul 29, 10 at 10:46pm
            • how silly of me, I forgot ignoring stupid people makes them smarter! and you know, I never remember that shutting my eyes to things I don't like makes everything okay

              Submitted by anonymous8906 on Jul 30, 10 at 3:38pm
    • ok fergie, here's some food for thought. if you want women to be equal, i'm all for it. next time a draft comes along, you bitches are just as eligible to be chosen from a lottery to go die for your country. it's only fair.\n\nbitch.

      Submitted by rockout242 on Jul 30, 10 at 10:08pm
      • they should be. but there shouldn't be a draft in the first place. talk about a complete breach of personal freedom. and women want equal opportunity, that doesn't mean we ignore biological differences between the genders. we don't need to have unisex bathrooms all of a sudden. military training is tailored for men's bodies and capabilities. women have less muscle mass, different centers of gravity- all natural differences between genders that complicate things.

        Submitted by anonymous8906 on Jul 31, 10 at 12:15pm
        • yea, but women have benefits too, and we should do stuff that men have to do, it's not fair to them that we get the same rights as them, but we dont have to do those certain things because we dont have as much muscle mass, we're quicker, more agile, normally smaller, a lot of things that can be a benefit in combat

          Submitted by LovelyLadySmurf on Aug 16, 10 at 11:40pm
        • Exactly. Our genders are DIFFERENT. So don't cry about equality. We are FUNDAMENTALLY different. Stop complaining about shit on a dumbass site like this and prove yourself in the real world you moronic waste of cyberspace.

          Submitted by rockersinc on Feb 21, 11 at 6:19am
    • Sexism: Only ugly bitches bitch about it.

      Submitted by rockersinc on Feb 21, 11 at 6:20am
  • Tits can NEVER be too big!

    Submitted by Thrax on Jul 29, 10 at 10:55am
  • Word up to WV. Religion and tits.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 31, 10 at 9:59pm
  • cstinson and trainsmoke425, you guys get kudos. This was a wonderful comment thread.

    Submitted by AthensKnight07 on Jul 29, 10 at 12:42pm
  • Cstinson is brilliant

    Submitted by V3XX on Jul 29, 10 at 11:26pm
  • @theraputic bravo. What I have been thinking since I downloaded this app.

    Submitted by samanthasunshine on Jul 30, 10 at 5:14am
  • This is just more proof that testosterone makes everything stupid.

    Submitted by nenefoxie on Aug 2, 10 at 3:48pm
    • thats hilarious because women have testosterone too dumbass

      Submitted by just_jd on Aug 8, 10 at 8:21pm
  • Troll, troll, troll your boat, gently down the thread... I'm a girl, and I found all of this hilarious. xD Way to go, guys! Girls? You just don't get it.

    Submitted by helenoftroy on Jul 30, 10 at 9:43am
  • This shit is funny

    Submitted by nirvana20 on Jul 29, 10 at 10:54am
  • Why are all these women commenting on this text when there are hungry men waiting to be fed?

    Submitted by MikeLitorus on Jul 29, 10 at 4:19pm
  • LOL!

    Submitted by EmmaXxX on Jul 29, 10 at 7:49pm
  • ...Jesus doesn't put up with that shit

    Submitted by Me777 on Jul 29, 10 at 10:43pm
    • but he puts up with you using shit in the same sentence as his name?

      Submitted by just_jd on Aug 8, 10 at 8:20pm
  • Haha! That's the first west Virginia area code I've seen here!

    Submitted by Pokemaster on Jul 30, 10 at 4:33pm
  • The pimp hand is strong NIGGA! oh so strong!

    Submitted by bigt1976 on Jul 29, 10 at 6:18pm
  • im a girl and i think this text is fucking hilarious. made me laugh.

    Submitted by sydneyyyy on Jul 29, 10 at 11:42pm
  • Hey fergieferg isn't it ironic that you're name is of a woman who demeans herself? Bitches these days...

    Submitted by BrohammedAli on Jul 29, 10 at 3:31pm
  • I LmAo because it's just a text and slapping is good sometimes. Anyone want a cold beer with that sammich? I can also bake you a scrumptious cake after I wash the dishes. Lol

    Submitted by TiCkLe_Me_EmO on Jul 29, 10 at 3:18pm
  • @fergieferg i hope you're on a laptop, because you shouldn't be out of the kitchen

    Submitted by assassin on Jul 29, 10 at 12:37pm
  • This is so horrible.

    Submitted by arthurlux on Jul 29, 10 at 1:52pm
  • Ha wooow best thing everrr. That has happened to me before but there was no name calling.

    Submitted by Laila23 on Jul 30, 10 at 4:16am
  • @trainsmoke425 , have you ever been with a woman smart enough to hold a conversation about something other than the schwag blunt you're smoking? And @cstinson , the womens rights movement already happened so why don't you go do some hard work like a real man and stop wasting our time on tfln

    Submitted by fergieferg on Jul 29, 10 at 1:26pm
  • Go you!

    Submitted by bigwhiteguy91 on Apr 14, 11 at 4:38am
  • To belleoftheboulevard, lol i agree it's tfln. Although some of these threads have made\nMe laugh. Lol I like how you were being the ref in a few of those threads. Kudos.

    Submitted by Irishlaw on Jul 29, 10 at 6:08pm
  • That doesn't even make sense. Tits can't be too big.

    Submitted by justsaying on Jul 29, 10 at 10:01am
  • Well first of all, all you stupid whores who think you are equal to men... You aren't. According to the bible eve was a stupid bitch who ate the fruit and as punishment all women will forever be below your man. So get in that fucking kitchen and make me a sandwich, then suck my dick bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 18, 10 at 2:27am
  • I always thought that if you put a hundred chimpanzees in a room with a bunch of computers, they'd eventually write Shakespeare. This comment thread has shown me that they just write comments on TFLN...

    Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Oct 8, 12 at 1:22pm
  • What do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes? \n\ already told the bitch twice!!

    Submitted by waymore on Jul 30, 10 at 1:07am
  • All you feminists in here just need to shut up, get in the kitchen, and start cooking dinner, making sammiches for your guy while they watch the game, and having babies and taking care of them...damn, all that writing made me hungry...bitch, make me s sammich. Now.

    Submitted by terkinlurg on Jul 29, 10 at 7:13pm
    • what kind?? hhahaha.. i think this is fucking hilarious, you're my new best friend(:

      Submitted by LovelyLadySmurf on Aug 16, 10 at 11:44pm
  • 1:21 your the shit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 29, 10 at 1:37pm
  • Haha. Wow

    Submitted by steller22 on Sep 11, 11 at 9:52pm
  • HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahYES

    Submitted by TheSluttyNun on Aug 15, 10 at 4:44pm
  • Woman does not = greater speed/agility than man.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25, 10 at 6:50pm
  • It's not rlly about sexism, the dude was right I hate dumb bitches who constantly call themselves fat and stuff just to be told otherwise

    Submitted by loterfed420 on Mar 20, 12 at 10:29am
  • Big tits are nasty.

    Submitted by brigantia on Jul 29, 10 at 11:05pm
  • how dare she spit in the eye of god

    Submitted by thetruth13 on Jul 30, 10 at 1:27pm
  • Sounds so familiar....

    Submitted by HeatherGdubV on Jul 13, 13 at 3:50pm