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  • Your animosity toward that person is justified. Glass blowing class just to make a bong? That's dedication.

    Submitted by bandkid27 on Jan 21, 11 at 4:11pm
  • that bitch

    Submitted by birdman12311 on Jan 21, 11 at 3:41pm
  • Sweep up the remnants and wrap them up as a Christmas gift next year for the one who broke it lol. A great reminder.

    Submitted by ambur on Jan 21, 11 at 4:40pm
  • Does anyone else wish bad things on Taipan?

    Submitted by jrichey10 on Jan 21, 11 at 4:13pm
    • Taipan probably has good reason(s) to be uptight. There's never a true need to wish ill upon anyone.....except divorce lawyers.

      Submitted by said8ED on Jan 21, 11 at 5:34pm
  • Btw, to the person who made the bong; my condolences to you.

    Submitted by colan08 on Jan 21, 11 at 4:26pm
  • Anyone who says youre stupid for being pissed must not be parents or they'd know what its like to create something beautiful and have other people fuck it up.

    Submitted by BoobsnBeans on Jan 22, 11 at 3:56am
  • You should make the idiot pay for a proper burial. RIP.

    Submitted by arthurlux on Jan 21, 11 at 5:02pm
  • He owes you one hand made bong, some draw of your choice, an apology and the offer of coming with you to blow a new one.

    Submitted by 3knucklesdeep on Jan 21, 11 at 6:11pm
  • That's rough

    Submitted by moonlovebaby on Jan 21, 11 at 3:45pm
  • you never throw a bong kid

    Submitted by darkhaven121 on Jan 22, 11 at 2:04am
  • No one appreciates fine craftsmanship anymore!

    Submitted by thatguyerik on Jan 22, 11 at 2:11am
  • glass blowing ain't easy. make that asshole pay.

    Submitted by andthelion on Jan 23, 11 at 3:15am
  • This is as horrible as a condom breaking...

    Submitted by fuzzpunch on Jan 22, 11 at 3:54am
  • taipan strikes again!! when will it end?!?! :O

    Submitted by rooster92 on Jan 24, 11 at 9:41am
  • Jrichey, I actually like taipan. Figuratively too. Sed8ded is the annoying one. TFLN is a place where folks submit texts and folks post comments. Sed8ded thinks this is a fucking forum and wants to blog here with everyone. So sad, makes me want to rent her some friends.

    Submitted by Waterborne on Jan 21, 11 at 6:53pm
    • Hahaha, your such a douche, at times, Waterbone! Whatever your problem really is, I truly hope that you find some resolve so that you won't need to continue being miserable. Other than that, it's great to have you as a hater. Have a nice weekend! No bullsh*t; I mean that.

      Submitted by said8ED on Jan 21, 11 at 10:24pm
      • Oh yeah, forgot: It would be nice if just ONE of your posts could relate to the text that the thread is there for. Just sayin'...

        Submitted by said8ED on Jan 21, 11 at 10:34pm
  • Obviously Taipan's first time doing anything always sucked so they blocked it out and tried to get better...that must have been your first time responding to a TFLN, huh?

    Submitted by colan08 on Jan 21, 11 at 4:25pm
  • I feel your pain

    Submitted by nolucklulu on Jan 21, 11 at 3:38pm
  • tbomber, grow up. They left off an "f." The uses of their, there and they're are in no way a good comparison to them not hitting the "f" key one more time.

    Submitted by colan08 on Jan 22, 11 at 10:41am
  • Yea, I still prefer to just pay $40 rather than taking a class but I gotta respect the dedication

    Submitted by Phys on Jan 21, 11 at 8:45pm

    Submitted by mstolfe on Jan 21, 11 at 4:10pm
    • *ofF is what you meant. come on now people. there, their, they're.

      Submitted by tbomber on Jan 22, 11 at 1:36am
  • Moment of silence for the bong...and your dreams...but mostly the bong

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 22, 11 at 4:50am
  • You went to class.. Make a better one.

    Submitted by Brian856 on Jan 22, 11 at 3:10am
  • Sad. Make his bitchass buy you a sick one with perks ;P

    Submitted by Vaginatarian on Jan 21, 11 at 7:20pm
  • Personally I like to see Taipan's comments. She doesnt care that her opinion puts her in the minority, and I wish I could be as critical of others as she is. I wish I could be as sure that I am in the right.

    Submitted by Figuratively on Jan 21, 11 at 6:29pm
    • I'm with ya, Figuratively. I actually enjoy getting irritated by Taipan's comments. You really have to appreciate the tenacity.

      Submitted by said8ED on Jan 21, 11 at 10:42pm
  • V if you'r only spending $40 on a bong you dont even deserve to own one...all you're buying is made in china garbage.

    Submitted by bankdis on Jan 21, 11 at 9:31pm
  • i would have Honestly killed him/her

    Submitted by somerandomguyftw on Jan 21, 11 at 10:57pm
  • I truly hope you played 'Taps' afterward.

    Submitted by OniKitsune on Feb 3, 11 at 11:35pm
  • Now all u need to do is take a woodshop class and make a hooka

    Submitted by calmurtitz on Feb 1, 11 at 1:29am
  • Again. Bong. Garbage. Who cares.

    Submitted by girl1429 on Jan 22, 11 at 4:21am
  • It's a stupid bong. Loser pothead. Who cares.

    Submitted by girl1429 on Jan 22, 11 at 2:29am
    • oh so youve never had anything important to you break, or get taken away?

      Submitted by thatgirlally on Jan 22, 11 at 2:45am
  • You might want to aim a little higher with your dreams there, bucko. And if you can make one, you can do it again. The sky's not gonna fall.

    Submitted by Taipan on Jan 21, 11 at 3:46pm
    • That's not the point. He put a lot of effort and dedication into making something he cherished just to have someone break it. It's natural to show some hatred towards that person in this case.

      Submitted by bandkid27 on Jan 21, 11 at 6:02pm
    • Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate craft and it would be disappointing. However, the skill OP learned didn't break, and they probably would have made more anyway, each one an improvement over the last. That being said, you druggies need to chill out. As bad as a condom breaking? Wishing bad things on me...? Really? If it had been a decorative glass vase, you all wouldn't give a shit.

      Submitted by Taipan on Jan 24, 11 at 3:47pm