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  • I personally like sex better than licking walls when I'm rollin

    Submitted by jtm001 on May 25, 10 at 3:29pm
  • I spun in circles for about 30 minutes once before whilst on E, I have to agree with this text.

    Submitted by baileyschmailey on May 25, 10 at 3:24pm
  • This would be funnier if it was 1988...

    Submitted by citizenkane on May 25, 10 at 3:19pm
  • Ahh my area code, don't you just love Nevada? When I was on E we had and orgy with 15 people and another time my friend was making out with a wall . Great memmories.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 10 at 1:58am
  • Hahaha lmao sry best tfln I heard in a min and it's so tru...

    Submitted by road2recovery86 on May 25, 10 at 4:40pm
  • Wet sex on E. Nothing better.

    Submitted by sham421 on May 26, 10 at 4:50am
  • Said the virgin

    Submitted by imboyo on May 26, 10 at 12:14am
  • Make sure you get pure stuff - no speed, no meth. And hang over can still be a bitch!

    Submitted by Griffmaster01 on May 25, 10 at 3:38pm
    • the pure stuff is amazing!

      Submitted by 989Owosso on May 25, 10 at 5:52pm
      • fuck that the dopey ones r the best, where your eyes roll back in your head, if its brown or tan your gtg

        Submitted by mojas7565 on May 25, 10 at 5:58pm
        • the pure ones are the dopey ones smart guy, the cut ones are with the speed and meth, and make sure your getting mdma and not mdm

          Submitted by Work42 on May 25, 10 at 9:47pm
          • hahaha, ive been rolling since you were learning your ABC's, the dark brown, tan are the ones with heroin in em, and make u dopey like u did a bag of dope, learn something there guy, ive eatin about 300 pills in my life, pretty sure i know what ones r what

            Submitted by mojas7565 on May 26, 10 at 2:35am
            • And you're saying that Luke it's a good thing. Have fun with the permanent damage to tour brain, smart guy. Don't worry, though, you probably didn't use those parts anyway.

              Submitted by HunterSThompson on May 26, 10 at 1:53pm
            • Like*/your*...fucking smartphone...

              Submitted by HunterSThompson on May 26, 10 at 1:55pm
            • You are a fucking idiot mojas7565, First of all the color has nothing to do with what they have in them.... Show me one pill that has heroin on here \n\nYou know what is what when you eat them huh? Doubt it like I said before you think that the color has something to do with what is in the pill and that makes you sound dumb as a brick. The only way to know for what is in a pill is with a marquis or mandelin reagent test. Even then you do not know 100% what is in the pill..

              Submitted by d4rkn355 on May 26, 10 at 5:16pm
  • 2 words: House music.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 10 at 12:24am
  • Good Goly Ms Molly! Lol

    Submitted by ryno24 on May 25, 10 at 6:15pm
  • Who the fuck licks walls while rolling?! Go get yourself some starbursts or a jolly rancher

    Submitted by 310/951/805 on May 25, 10 at 3:36pm
    • you lick the walls while water is running down it because the sensation is probably really fun. and actually even though it tastes good, id advise against eating candy while rolling because the sugar can take down your roll

      Submitted by velociraptor on May 25, 10 at 3:54pm
  • Is you rolllllin? Bitch I might be

    Submitted by CumGuzzler on May 25, 10 at 11:07pm
  • Ahhhhh the days of VICKS inhalers, newports, blinky toys, glow sticks, fat tracks, and kikwear. Dancing all night in front of the DJ booth, giving and receiving massages and light shows by friends and random strangers, after parties, making out with my boyfriend, brushing each others teeth (AWESOME!!!) watching the lady bugs crawl on the walls and fucking for 4 hours. One night in the hospital kinda puts it all into perspective. But still, some of the best memories of my life.

    Submitted by moonbaby on Jul 14, 10 at 2:42pm
  • E is for everything. \n\nAlways buy pure MDMA.\nMDA is fun too, less tweaky, more relaxed rush :)

    Submitted by funbucks on May 26, 10 at 7:57pm
  • Do you want\nMy number we cab both do\nIt

    Submitted by bdog on May 25, 10 at 6:33pm
  • I've never ment so many morones doing drugs and writing about it like it's cool. WTF.

    Submitted by CPJB07 on May 25, 10 at 11:05pm
    • You're the moron. I'd be the first to speak out against drugs, but you've obviously never done E. It's not cool. It's orgasmic.

      Submitted by Nix on May 26, 10 at 12:25am
    • yeah, you're one of those kids. if you don't like the site, why did you make an account?

      Submitted by MoFruity on May 26, 10 at 7:24am
  • Lmao this made my day =)

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 10 at 4:58pm
  • welcome to the club, enjoy!!

    Submitted by mojas7565 on May 25, 10 at 3:57pm
  • MDMA* "fuckstick"

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 10 at 1:56am
  • Try licking trees. Haha it's pretty awesome too. Don't know why. I always do that when I roll.

    Submitted by AnnaMolly on May 25, 10 at 10:38pm
  • What a retard.

    Submitted by urallstupid on May 25, 10 at 7:10pm
  • I thought X was Xanax and E was E

    Submitted by zampanosappendix on May 25, 10 at 8:29pm
    • it was called E, or rolls, or pills back in the day, the newer kids call it X

      Submitted by mojas7565 on May 26, 10 at 2:37am
      • back in MY day it was beans. no one calls it that anymore. god i feel old.

        Submitted by moonbaby on Jul 14, 10 at 2:33pm
  • Rolls are the truth, club space- on the terrace till 10am. Jesus Christ... You don't understand unless you've done it. Watching the sun come up while u dance your ass off. Woah!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 10 at 10:10am
  • What's in the blue ones?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 10 at 2:56am
  • i love this post but i have to agreed with jtm001 i like sex better

    Submitted by awesome024abby on May 25, 10 at 8:35pm
  • This is why I will never do X

    Submitted by sequioa on May 26, 10 at 3:20pm
  • U should try sex ON x

    Submitted by swied429 on Jun 24, 10 at 1:50am
  • go to a club or rave. and hot water can fry your brain when you're rolling.

    Submitted by samcooper on May 25, 10 at 3:51pm

      Submitted by velociraptor on May 25, 10 at 3:55pm
      • Because your body is already heated from the drugs. Adding more heat is a terrible idea. Now having ice rubbed on you is a terrific idea.

        Submitted by HunterSThompson on May 25, 10 at 4:01pm
        • who the hell would drink hot water?? warm water is better then no water, in iraq we were told to drink warm water cuz your body doesnt use energy to warm it up and use it

          Submitted by mojas7565 on May 26, 10 at 2:22pm
  • It's called E.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 10 at 3:13pm
  • It's called E.. But I love this.

    Submitted by CumGuzzler on May 25, 10 at 11:06pm
  • Then you've never had sex on X!!!

    Submitted by combatwombat04 on May 25, 10 at 11:29pm
  • Mmmm, masturbating in the shower is the best...

    Submitted by cbtango on May 25, 10 at 11:28pm
  • Okay, you're nuts

    Submitted by kookycarol on May 25, 10 at 8:41pm
  • i do that normally except i dont lick walls

    Submitted by mitchell on May 25, 10 at 11:42pm
  • No joke, I love rolling showers

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 10 at 3:22am
  • Try going to an all day festival such as Starscape and eating 5-10 rolls and having the time if your life. Way better than licking a wall. Or, add a dose or two to that :P

    Submitted by abcdefgHI on May 25, 10 at 4:44pm
    • live music of any kind on x is the best. dave matthews wouldn't have been my first choice, but it was probably one of the more fun nights of my life thus far.

      Submitted by Bilbo_Baggins on May 25, 10 at 6:05pm
  • I love how people on here argue about who knows more about drugs... You're all morons because you do drugs.

    Submitted by HouseOfWolvesx on May 28, 10 at 12:08am
  • Sounds like fun im gonna try it :D

    Submitted by dannads on Nov 22, 10 at 10:55pm
  • Hahaha I always end up in the shower while rolling the water feels phenominal. Oh, and kissing while rolling is amazing! Ecstacy is seriously the most amazing drug ever ^^\n\nAlso, try taking your pills with OJ next time cause the Vitamin C is supposed to help lighten the hangover. \n\nHappy rolling! (:

    Submitted by yanimarie on May 27, 10 at 9:38am
  • I love thisss but will never experience it feeling again, I love my brain too much to keep putting holes in it :-(

    Submitted by muahahaha on May 26, 10 at 12:16pm
  • E Molly x. Same shit

    Submitted by blistris on May 25, 10 at 10:13pm
  • First

    Submitted by M3GATR0N on May 25, 10 at 3:25pm
  • Hahahha I always end up in the tub. The water feels phenominal. And kissing on rolls is seriously incredible. Most amazing drug ever. Also, if you take it with some OJ your hangover isnt really too bad. Anddd if you take more than one you should add a pure capsule in there.

    Submitted by yanimarie on May 27, 10 at 9:34am
  • Gross, I keep thinking of soap scum and lord knows what else could be lurking in there.. Cause I'm assuming you don't clean your shower lol

    Submitted by dorkof82 on May 27, 10 at 1:03am
  • Alllllll the ravers love this text =) PLUR everybody.... can't wait for EDC.

    Submitted by NakedFlower on May 26, 10 at 10:55am
  • it's mda not mdm fuckstick

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 10 at 12:43am