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  • Good thing he wasnt eating pringles..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 10, 09 at 3:44am
  • I think the empty doritos bag was a substitute for a chick, not a condom.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:31pm
  • ouch in every way for everyone involved. salt in the penis - ouch. scratches in the vag - ouch. Not one to repeat.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:02pm
  • Ziplock +big rubberband works

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 11:27pm
  • That is fucking disgusting. I hope you like your dick to smell like bleu cheese and buffalo wings.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 8:57pm
  • that would be painful for all parties involved.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:01pm
  • What about the sharp bag corners? Wouldn't that poke? Oh and your "buddy" would be greasy? Disgusting.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 1:20am
  • That's from the Ali G show.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 10:40am
  • this is soo fake its not even funny

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 11:26pm
  • maybe it means that he masturbated in it... like for easy clean up?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:35pm
  • this site is really going downhill if they're posting this crap up and they didn't post any of the ones I kow have been sent in and are way the hell funnier

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:19pm
  • that doesn't even seem possible. sorry, bro. you took it one too far:(

    Submitted by cheesecakeman on Aug 20, 10 at 12:08am
  • If this is real, you're a jackass.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 1:04am
  • Fake and ghey

    Submitted by AlterBoi on Jun 29, 10 at 3:38pm
  • Wouldn't that hurt?!?!?!?!

    Submitted by 4/20 on Mar 19, 10 at 1:29am
  • i knew a kid who used a grocery bag, don't doubt the desperation

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 2:38pm
  • I've never wanted to hit the bad night button so many times in my life.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 1:08am
  • People at my school have done shit like this before... I believe this.

    Submitted by hellohello16 on Mar 20, 10 at 12:13am
  • ............wuht der f!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 27, 09 at 12:10am
  • Omg...8th grade health class...kid legit asked if he could use a doritos bag as a condom....this made me laugh

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 6:51pm
  • L!$+3n 3v3ry0n3, y@ll $h0uld b3 pr0ud 0f wh0 y0u !z @nd n0+ l3+ !gn0r@n+ fuck$ g3+ !n y0 w@y...@!gh+ !m 0u+

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:55pm
  • i actually know someone who did that same thing once

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 12:25am
  • this is from the Ali G. Show... Old

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:03pm
  • ow?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 8:19pm
  • i once did it with a sandwich bag ha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:39pm
  • No way any self-respecting girl let you stick a doritos bag in her...I don't even think a girl with NO self-respect would let you do that....FAKE.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:28pm
  • So totally fake

    Submitted by patton18 on Apr 13, 11 at 6:03am
  • My friend once used serran wrap

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 29, 09 at 10:03pm
  • this is a joke from ali g.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 6, 09 at 9:29pm
  • this site is beginning to suck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:04pm
  • fake!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by killroy on Mar 13, 10 at 12:27pm
  • saran wrap.. learned that one in my human sexuality class.. haha try that NEXT time you dont have a condom

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28, 09 at 9:40pm
  • ^ bahahahaha, true story also, i think 10:35 and 10:38 are gonna hook up, somehow

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 1:07am
  • saran wrap is one thing, and i might even believe snickers wrapper, but there is no way any idiot would wrap his dick in a doritos bag. unless he wasn't interested in pleasure, just punishing whoever was on the receiving end.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 5, 09 at 9:30pm
  • yea this is definitely from an episode of the ali g show. i'll give the guy credit for watching it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:43pm
  • NO!!!!

    Submitted by Laxrat1 on May 18, 10 at 1:43pm
  • It's really patheticwhen you have to resort to lifting quotes from imdb just to prove what an attention whore you are.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 1:57am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 11:35pm
  • 10:10 Sorry if that came off wrong. I wasn't saying it was ripped off, just that it reminded me of that bit.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:23pm
  • 9:36PM I'd personally just leave if some tool wrapped a doritos bag around it and was actually serious... Hahaha so true.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 11:48pm
  • fake its from Da Ali G show

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:55pm
  • Haha 9:06 well put. it was funny at first but the novelty has worn off. maybe it is time for a stricter application and submittle process

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:08pm
  • It's just starting to suck? Every other text on here is either a movie or song quote, or something so stupidly exaggerated, it sounds like it came off the cutting room floor from a Dane Cook meets National Lampoon meets Girls Gone Wild mash-up.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:06pm
  • that'd smell good. not. ew.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 26, 09 at 3:04pm
  • Who the fuck is screening these? This site used to be funny. Someone suggest a new site for me to waste time with.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:40pm
  • how the hell does that work

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 4:10pm
  • gross...... that cant be sanitary

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:00pm
  • Hopefully they weren't the flamin hot kind

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 1:14pm
  • thats from bruno you fucking stealer

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:47pm
  • this is totally fake.. no way possible can someone actually manage to use a chips bag..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:16pm
  • 281= the worst texts ever

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 5:50am
  • 9:06 you have it EXACTLY right. Thank you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:16pm
  • How bout we do a web search (TFM) b4 posting?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:57pm
  • i hope it was the blue dorito bag!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:56pm
  • you know as much as we hate to admit it there are tramps in this world unfortunatly some get acces to the web and this is what were left with! Fake or not it's still good for a laugh

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:55pm
  • Why does everyone cry "fake"? Obviously it's fake, we get that, not every text you send someone has to be a literal story of what took place

    Submitted by SpacemanLolz on Mar 16, 10 at 3:18am
  • It's not the worst story i've ever heard of a make-shift condom. A friend of a friend knew a girl who had sex with a guy in a gutter using a Walmart bag as a condom.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 1, 09 at 6:49pm
  • hahahahahahahahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 11:55am
  • That just sounds unpleasant to the cooter!

    Submitted by gir420 on Aug 5, 10 at 10:36pm
  • 9:55 ... it's not even funny, go crawl in a hole and die also.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:57pm
  • it's believable.. i know a girl who let both saran wrap- and snickers wrapper- covered dick into her in one night.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 3, 09 at 1:33pm
  • fake or not ... old or new ... i'd say FAIL anyway you look at it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:27pm
  • 10:04 it was legit...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:10pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 3:03am
  • the only thing more annoying then people talking about how much this site now sucks is people claiming that their HILARIOUS texties didn't make it on.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:28pm
  • 10:47 I'm laughing so hard at fuckin stealer

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:54pm
  • I know a guy who as a teenager used a plastic grocery bag... so this isn't all that improbable.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:13pm
  • Someone told me about this site and I thought the idea sounded legit funny. But posts like this are ridiculous, unfunny, overdone... I mean, most of them are, it seems. I hope the editors start getting a bit more choosy instead of publishing every fake sex text that gets fabricated and submitted.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 6, 09 at 12:14am
  • This site seems to be nearing rock bottom

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:02pm
  • Was it a standard or fun-size bag?

    Submitted by sprsnc20 on May 14, 11 at 2:25am
  • Yeah what the hell my texts that I send in never show up either. I wonder if any are real because I have submitted funny legit ones twice and they never show up

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:56pm
  • slut much? you need dick THAT bad you have to use a doritos bag... wow

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:53pm
  • this shit gets through, yet mine that have been submitted have yet to be posted. Pretty messed upppppp.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 11:59pm
  • thats from the ali g show the guy that does borat and bruno but nice try

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 11:21pm
  • Pull out instead? Just sayin

    Submitted by pube on Apr 1, 10 at 4:52am
  • the vag was that big huh? did you need powdered sugar to locate it. it ain't easy being cheesy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:32pm
  • 1:37am No dumbass, they're supposed to be funny.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 1:40am
  • woke up naked on my couch with Jesse in my bed upside down ad the bed soaked... His gf was naked on the couch next to me... Good night? Bad night?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:02pm
  • Mostly. Please tell me you were male and masturbating. I can respect that.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:45pm
  • Mmmmm doritos yummy

    Submitted by Aburntpickle on Mar 28, 11 at 11:44pm
  • Omg soo freaking funny I would of been like can u at least use a chitto bag

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 4, 09 at 12:50am
  • 10: 40 hah you are a genius

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:57pm
  • Clearly there are only 3 intelligent people on this thread who recognize this as a lame ali g rip. The rest of you trying to debate whether or not its real are tragically retarded

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:13pm
  • That must have turned out bad....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:07pm
  • How did you even fit it all into her vagina ? Either you're small as fuck or she's loose.. Was it like throwing a pencil down a hallway ? That's funny. LMAO

    Submitted by thalialovespizza on Aug 2, 11 at 3:11am
  • you couldn't just go to the store and buy one?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 26, 09 at 5:09pm
  • will you name the baby after this? it would make a great story, just saying...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 12:21pm
  • What about like the corners and stuff wouldn't that hurt??

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 1, 09 at 10:11pm
  • 9:55 nice logic. plz have the sex with me.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 12:38pm
  • If we wanna read movie quotes, we'll go to imdb.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 1:44am
  • 9:59 - Sounds like something from Bill Engvall. "Touch means go. Push means no."

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:04pm
  • I love the resourcefullness, but you probably could have done a little better than a doritos bag.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 8, 09 at 8:52pm
  • maybe they were using it to store drugs 'internally' ???

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:25pm
  • as a girl i say...ouch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:20pm
  • No way this is real. I would never let a guy stick that in me! And if it is he should have just asked for head. But I'd personally just leave if some tool wrapped a dorittos bag around it and was actually serious...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:36pm
  • Someone at my school did this with a Dillards bag. Unfortunately....I believe this is true.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 6:42am
  • A doritoes bad? CHODE

    Submitted by flabbyarms on Jul 7, 10 at 11:18pm
  • my vagina hurts reading this.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 11:55pm
  • Douchebag! Douchebag! Get your yearly douchebag!

    Submitted by arandomvip on Jun 5, 11 at 1:48pm
  • mmm who doesn't like sex with doritoes

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 10, 09 at 12:39pm
  • just because it didn't happen doesnt mean the text is fake... it could be a real text describing a fake incident.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 12:15pm
  • you disgust me. and i don't really beileve this. there is no effin way this actually happened.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 11:14am
  • Real. But if he had said cheetos, fake.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:43pm
  • 1023 no worries but seriously are those not better than a lot of these fake ones

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:35pm
  • F**king proud to live in Houston right now. Which is worse: the thought that someone would actually have sex using a doritos bag or that someone would think it's funny to lie about it. Whatever. This site was funny at first.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 12:19am
  • I heard of a similar story about some ppl I know.

    Submitted by haico on Mar 29, 11 at 11:15pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 25, 10 at 5:55pm
  • Sounds like a good night to me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 23, 09 at 8:25pm
  • since tfln is starting to suck, everyone should post the texts that they think should have made it onto the feed on here.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:39pm
  • Your official nick name shall be dorito bag

    Submitted by smithhart on Jul 22, 11 at 8:18pm
  • Happy birthday

    Submitted by pulpyoj on Jul 10, 10 at 1:44am
  • Nice quote from ali g. Fake. Respek

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 8, 09 at 8:54pm
  • Omg funniest shit I've seen on here

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 9, 09 at 4:04pm
  • No fucking way no fucking way. PENGUINS RESIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 8:58pm
  • Sugarland?? Houston! This is my area code xD

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 24, 10 at 4:40pm
  • Hahaha pringles

    Submitted by sandlotbabe on Mar 1, 11 at 10:56am
  • No. This is not okay.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 4, 10 at 7:15am
  • this can't possibly be real.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:29pm
  • .....scratchy....

    Submitted by freefallin4eva on Mar 27, 11 at 7:48pm
  • How would you even feel anything????

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 7:13am
  • fake or not. only in fucking TEXAS would this happen. trash. puke.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 3:45am
  • Improvising. I live it!

    Submitted by coexiist_am_good on Feb 27, 11 at 11:25pm
  • Now that's what I call "cool ranch" !.... wutever my grandma calls me funny

    Submitted by ninjaman181 on Aug 17, 10 at 11:48am
  • If you're going to text a friend a movie quote, fine, whatever. Why would you send it in, making it seem like you thought of it? I'm sure any of us can find transcripts to shit we've seen on TV. Should we all just copy and paste funny parts of the script and send it in like it's a real text?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 2:17am
  • It better of a least been a bag of cool ranch, they r the best 

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 11, 09 at 5:00pm
  • But.... and you.... owwwwwww, thats just wrong... wtf just deal with a b/j.... what kind of dude are you not bringing a condom anyway

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 4:14pm
  • THE MODS SUCK ON THIS SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 2:20am
  • man i just started checking this site out today and submitted a funny one from last night and now i read this... does it really suck this bad?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:47pm
  • And seriously, the ACTUAL thing I submitted never got published. And it was a hilarious booty call text.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:17pm
  • Nacho cheese inside of me :D

    Submitted by epaulk0 on Mar 12, 11 at 2:30am
  • She must be desperate or a dumb fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 28, 09 at 7:01pm
  • You are fuckin dumb my boyfriend doesn't even use a condom !

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 4, 09 at 1:15pm
  • noooo way, i saw that episode tooo

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 18, 09 at 1:35pm
  • maybe he pulled out and finished in the bag???????

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 18, 09 at 11:23am
  • i guess all of you have never sent a joke text or a text that was a quote from a movie or w.e. everybody gets so mad for no reason. remember, these are supposed to be stupid texts.. idiots.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 1:37am
  • 12:25am Are your pants on fire........YOU FUCKING LYING FUCK!!!!!??????!!!! It's not even possible for sooo many reasons. Idiot. "I once knew this guy who.........." shut the fuck up.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 12:41am
  • I've done that before... Can't feel anything!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 7, 09 at 12:48pm
  • sandwich bags do work seeing that its been nine months but you should prolly be real drunk before attemoting

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 11:03pm
  • Someones going to be getting an unpleasant phone call in nine months.

    Submitted by Maufiro on Feb 4, 12 at 8:39am
  • To everyone who doesn't bother to read, 6/24 9:03 p.m. pegged it: This is from Da Ali G Show.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 12:24pm
  • I bet ppl send them in because they are dumb and don't realize it's a movie quote... And think their friends are hilarious

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 2:44am
  • the girl at work just asked me if I wanted to visit the HR bathroom....the irony

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:00pm
  • In soviet Russia doritos bag uses you 925 migggggga

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 4, 10 at 1:10am
  • 10:35 Definitely. But, if you're not talking about drunkenly licking crack rocks off your boss's daughter's nipples and accidentally sending the text to your mother while your friend brags that his dorm room fridge has more kinds of beer than actual food items in it, obviously you're not cool enough to be accepted!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:38pm
  • I have a buddy that used his empty weed baggie.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:16pm
  • Cum cheese = nasty do the math

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 1, 09 at 10:34pm
  • OHHH NO YOU DIDNt!!. how? like a rubber band or? errrr. PAIN!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 7:05am
  • very funny too bad its total bullshit ya cheese dick retard you cant use a doritos bag on a tic tac dick!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:54pm
  • honestly, im sure this was a joke. dont freak out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:59pm
  • This wouldn't even work and is fuckin dumb

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 18, 09 at 3:10am
  • TEXAS! Winning!

    Submitted by BrosambaBinLaden on Oct 31, 11 at 3:12am
  • Houston...why you so classy?

    Submitted by LaxLife on Jan 15, 12 at 11:33am
  • That's greasy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 29, 10 at 2:01am
  • it's definitely from the ali g show skit about abortion, the fuckhead copied.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25, 09 at 1:26am
  • I thought we were having wild ape sex last night.. You were asleep I opened an eye that is a greenlight

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:59pm
  • you should have to FWD texts to the site or to a number for them to be accepted and posted. seriously.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:30pm

    Submitted by choowwder on Mar 5, 10 at 2:49pm
  • this is fake. fake. fake. fake. poor attempt at a good post

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 10:42pm
  • hopefully you ate the crumbs before..that's the best part!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 24, 09 at 9:40pm
  • 5:43, you got that from "1,000 ways to die" on Spike tv.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 1:18am
  • OMG :0

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 4, 10 at 10:03pm
  • Nice quick thinking

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 7, 09 at 12:25am
  • Oh I beg to can happen! Epic move

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 5, 09 at 12:16pm
  • Might hurt cuz the sides of the bag are sharp

    Submitted by USARMY on Oct 20, 10 at 6:18pm
  • Imagine reaching into a doritos bag and finding that it's sticky....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 11, 09 at 12:58am
  • Shouldve used a Ruffles bag... Then you could say it was "ridged" for her pleasure.

    Submitted by squared on Aug 22, 10 at 4:17pm
  • Well, you have to improvise.

    Submitted by VaginaEat3rXX on Sep 5, 12 at 3:26pm
  • 5:43, you're an idiot. Women rip their vags giving birth. Dumb.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 20, 09 at 1:32am
  • did he use a funion as cock ring?

    Submitted by MohawkJaymz on Apr 6, 10 at 10:45pm
  • Dude thats awesome not bad

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 11, 09 at 9:11pm
  • I think that says more about the girl that let you do that then it does about you. Either way your both idiots

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 1, 09 at 3:57pm
  • Oh god I hope this is fake...

    Submitted by jltc on Mar 23, 12 at 1:38pm
  • was that snack pack size?

    Submitted by zepman on Apr 16, 10 at 12:48am
  • Sooooo full of shit, amazing what stupid crap they allow on this thing!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 24, 09 at 4:17pm
  • I hope this text was referring to a Canadian Butter Churn...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 26, 09 at 12:34am
  • You do realize you could kill someone like that, Right? Honestly, If you get a rip in your vag, its fatal. A girl got cut inside her vag with a carrot that had a sharp edge and immediately died.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 10, 09 at 5:43pm
  • Ha ha wow best 1 ever

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 28, 09 at 12:59am
  • Wait, who gets the side with the dorito crumbs? That would hurt...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 09 at 4:50am
  • And 12:59 is a fuckin moron if he beleives this shit too!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 24, 09 at 4:24pm
  • This is the first one of seen from Houston. Props man

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 29, 09 at 8:54pm
  • no you didn't you poser. get a life! douche knuckle

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 4:54am
  • Cracked the hell up when I saw this lol but I love dem doritos!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 6, 09 at 7:45pm
  • Fake

    Submitted by heartBurnTurd on Aug 3, 12 at 12:50am
  • OH. MY. GOD.

    Submitted by PalmTree7104 on Mar 4, 10 at 9:15pm
  • Sugarland fucking rules

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25, 09 at 2:25am
  • dude just use a finger from a glove, and lube it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 27, 09 at 10:41pm
  • I know a friend who did this with a fucking sandwich baggie and a rubber band. Chick took it like a trooper. You gotta love rednecks.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 24, 09 at 8:56pm
  • Nastay! What poor girl put up with that shit??

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 3, 09 at 10:45am
  • funny, but way funnnier when Ali G said it 5 years ago.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 8, 09 at 4:15am
  • I got it with a cvs bag once. No joke.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 17, 09 at 3:57pm
  • A gentleman goes cheese side in, but if you're going to do oral go cheese side out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 14, 09 at 1:42am
  • Sugarland fucking rules bro

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 10, 09 at 11:25pm
  • That is gross haha I bet that what a shitty round lol(:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 15, 09 at 1:04am
  • You would think it wouldn't stay on...she must have been desperate huh? 10:41 wouldn't that be to small??

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 2, 09 at 10:40pm
  • Classy...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 10, 10 at 10:00pm
  • Wow my area code the stupid assholes here would do that type of thing but of the up side this is the 1st one I have seen from Houston repin

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 27, 09 at 4:32am
  • That's Texas for ya.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 28, 09 at 4:38am
  • "That is fucking disgusting. I hope you like your dick to smell like bleu cheese and buffalo wings." BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 14, 09 at 5:41am
  • that defeats the whole purpose of sex.. pleasure/ babies.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 3:56pm
  • That's from Ali G.......

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 20, 09 at 12:40pm
  • Ouch!!!!

    Submitted by aria_ravenmoon on Mar 10, 10 at 5:49pm
  • Maybe, he was talking about a quick clean-up for beating off?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 8, 09 at 4:40pm
  • You're think your dick is WAAAAAAAY bigger than it is in reality.You know,you could've just asked the chick if she had a rubber thimble on hand. BURN!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 14, 09 at 5:22pm
  • That's ridiculous. Couldn't happen.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 3, 09 at 4:39pm
  • Wow. That would hurt the girl lol ur a tard

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 4, 09 at 11:17pm
  • ... i am so sorry. lmfao

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 12, 09 at 10:01pm
  • People who r saying this is fake and then using the time that the person posted something to call them out makes u an even bigger looser then the person who posted this

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 4:01am
  • Pathetic... Sick and pathetic.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 4, 09 at 10:48pm
  • What kind of nasty ass chick would go along with that? Any chick that's ok with that you definitely want to have some sort of barrier between your dick and her rotten pussy. God knows what else shes had up there already. You're both nasty ass fuckers that's all I know

    Submitted by DonkeyLipps on Apr 13, 13 at 4:58am