Never visiting again. You guys drink like immortals
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Rule #76: No Excuses. Play like a champion!
And this is why Minnesotans can never visit Wisconsin.
Actually its why everyone needs to visit Wisconsin, even us Minnesotans!
Thank you for this one ! Made my day ...
ON WISCONSIN! We're not alcoholics, we're professionals
You went east of MN, didn't you?
Your friends don't need you anyway. Buck up!
1337 thumbs up. nice.
And how exactly does an immortal drink? They're pretty normal except for the living forever unless they lose their head thing.
I'm pretty sure i know who this got sent to, and but dont understand the never visit again part...need to visit more often is whats needed
When you get drunk do you call it the quickening
Sounds like my buddy grant and I... Good times
This happens when my friends visit me, I always tell them if they can't drink a bottle of 90 proof whiskey and still drive to get cigarettes, you need more practice
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