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  • I am 24 have one and one on the way. My wife and I can still go out with friends. It is called being stable before having a kid idiots.

    Submitted by ZombieBitten on Jan 24, 13 at 9:45pm
    • same here, I have 2 and my husband and I still have date nights an get togethers with friends. people crack me up with that mess. unless your only idea of fun is getting so trashed you can't function the next day there's no reason for your life to "end"

      Submitted by MzKitty08 on Jan 25, 13 at 4:54am
  • Childbirth is the least of it. Think 3am feedings, poopy diapers, temper tantrums, never having the time, energy, or privacy to have sex ever again, ceaseless admonitions that "UR DOIN IT WRONG" from everyone, no more "nice" restaurants until the kid can sit still for at least 2 hours, hearing from your child-free friends about all the fun things they did and places they went on vacation, and the cost of four years of college.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Jan 24, 13 at 2:51pm
    • @Right ugh. So young. You have the rest of your life to be a parent. You weren't even finished partying yet.

      Submitted by funkhmmmm1 on Jan 24, 13 at 3:39pm
      • My god, I would rather just get a goddamn vasectomy than deal with that shit...

        Submitted by ck24 on Jan 24, 13 at 7:42pm
  • Think about how amazing it is that you and the man you love are raising a human being who's part of both of you, while your shallow, alcoholic friends party themselves into an early grave and die alone.

    Submitted by 478 on Jan 24, 13 at 4:02pm
    • I like 478's second idea. I fully intend on partying myself into an early grave and dying alone. Not everyone has the desire to reproduce.

      Submitted by ezotarik on Jan 25, 13 at 8:17am
  • @ezotarik that's the power of natural selection! Genetically speaking, you're a waste. Hopefully you manage to fit in some sort of accomplishment around your cirrhosis so you'll be remembered for more than hospital bills. The rest of us will go ahead and lead complete lives.

    Submitted by 478 on Jan 25, 13 at 4:47pm
  • @ZombieBitten let us know how that works out once you actually have a kid. You're about to have a reality check like you've never imagined.

    Submitted by somebody_020202 on Jan 25, 13 at 12:33am
  • Don't have kids until you have nothing left to live for. Go on cruises, binge drink, and enjoy real restaurants for as long as you possibly can. Seriously. Speaking from experience.

    Submitted by techdevil on Jan 26, 13 at 1:07pm