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  • i can take over the world with midgets. I have a plan. ٩๏̯͡๏)۶

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 3, 09 at 11:38am
  • Dude no fair, I've wanted a midget army for months now and even found some that I might try to conscript into service.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 3, 09 at 6:26pm
  • This is the only one that I actually laughed out loud

    Submitted by xxtesslcxx on Jun 30, 10 at 9:46pm
  • dude, my dad and i came up with the midget army idea months ago. and their leader would be a bisexual one legged little dude with a pogo stick instead of a prostetic leg. he carries a boom box on one shoulder and has a tray watermelon flavored jello shots glued to his head.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 10:39am
  • As I read this, at the table next to me sits a real live midget.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 5:09pm
  • i don't know if this is a good night or a bad night...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 2:33am
  • Fuck you OP! Why does this site allow derogatory terms like "m*dget" through and not niqqer or faqqot? Because saying the M word to little people is just as insulting as the N word and faqqot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 14, 10 at 11:01am
  • I'm like 5 feet. I deserve a midget army.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 4, 09 at 12:43am
  • They're not midgets! There called Shetland people!

    Submitted by planks on Apr 10, 11 at 11:53am
  • Migdets rule!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by mjrcutie on Mar 11, 10 at 8:49am
  • Haha, my xbox live name is army of midgets, but came up with that a year ago.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 8, 09 at 12:48am
  • Follow me jaeseabean :o) lmao

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 17, 10 at 9:05am
  • That's a lot of responsibility..

    Submitted by Nero905 on Mar 6, 12 at 8:07am