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  • Lol I'm jealous!\n\nHope he's ok with period sex though. Bound to hit in that time...and if it don't, well, there's about forty more days for you to find a place to take care of that lol

    Submitted by IAmAHill on Apr 20, 11 at 2:06pm
  • son of a bitch

    Submitted by redwings0015 on Apr 20, 11 at 9:18am
  • ... I wanna know what the challenge is... Just having sex every day doesn't necessarily sound that much like a challenge... Also, Period sex is best in the shower... keeps it clean... Much less like a crime scene.

    Submitted by Masquerade90 on Apr 20, 11 at 6:52pm
  • Fuck yeah, Washington. I love my state.

    Submitted by Selftest on Apr 20, 11 at 7:11pm
  • this is why im proud to live in washington! \nfuckin awesome!

    Submitted by randomchic on Apr 20, 11 at 11:32am
  • A. Nice assumption a chick sent that :P\nB. Nice assumption they're in a relationship hahah\nC. WTF kind of challenge IS that? ESP if they're in a should be fucking everyday, multiple times a day. Unless is a challenge to restrict yourself...

    Submitted by partybuddha on Apr 21, 11 at 1:07pm
  • win.

    Submitted by hazed420 on Apr 20, 11 at 12:41pm
  • wish my GF found challenges like this!

    Submitted by akaakaae on Apr 20, 11 at 10:48pm
  • Dood, Best. Idea. Evarrrr.

    Submitted by megface on Apr 20, 11 at 12:58pm
  • Send me that

    Submitted by powerstrokeguy on Apr 20, 11 at 11:43pm

    Submitted by projectcurtis on Apr 22, 11 at 2:12am
  • Lol i love my state

    Submitted by adamd2p on Jan 3, 12 at 6:05am
  • I believe it is supposed to be a way to strengthen your marriage. Have sex/be intimate everyday for forty days. No excuses, no "I have a headache, I'm too tired".

    Submitted by rubywulf2 on Nov 19, 12 at 1:20pm