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  • My little brother was asking about my wedding and was just making sure he wouldnt be the center of everyone's fun.

    Submitted by kuhkuhkuhkelly on Jan 14, 11 at 7:17pm
  • Actually, please do. What is a straight-edge doing at a party anyway?

    Submitted by monicamischief on Jan 14, 11 at 12:00pm
    • You can be at a party without getting wasted or doing drugs. Amazingly enough, it is possible to have a good time without those things.

      Submitted by MrsHamburglar on Jan 15, 11 at 3:19am
  • why the fuck not?

    Submitted by NataSept on Jan 15, 11 at 5:44am
  • Why not? Last time, the pain healed. Chicks dig that scar and you earned glory that will last forever.

    Submitted by Thepresident on Jan 14, 11 at 9:34am
  • I didn't know we were acknowledging the straight edge kids. were you invited?

    Submitted by mariomaster on Oct 3, 11 at 7:43pm