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  • You have five nipples

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 4:12pm
  • Can't anyone just enjoy fun moments? Critics need lives. He has a life memory and she has mams remembered for life. Can't that be enough?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 5:11pm
  • This makes me proud to be a from texas

    Submitted by leiag on Apr 24, 10 at 9:01am
  • dickroll with the boobsies!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 5:55am
  • wilfred brimley - "diaabeetus" hahahahahh this is great

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 6:35pm
  • I'll ergo your lergo

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 5, 10 at 12:03am
  • Oh Jesus fucking Christ. All you people calling this girl a slut shut the fuck up you self righteous fucks. Everybody likes having sex. I don't care who you are or how pure you think you are. People like having sex it's not a big deal. It's what were supposed to do. So get the fuck over yourselves. And if you are one of those people you're probably just jealous cuz you're not getting laid.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 11:39pm
  • pics or it didn't happen

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 4:55pm
  • huge tits are amazing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 4:17pm
  • She wears a wonderbra

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 4:14pm
  • Hey 10:13 why don't you say ergo one more time just so i can really understand what you're trying to say. Ergo you're a douchebag.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 4:15pm
  • Is that a good legend or bad?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 8:57pm
  • Hey OP --- what size rack are you sporting?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 10:29pm
  • the legend is that I shoved my dick so far up her ass I tore her head off and they had to sew it back on

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:27am
  • That's pretty awful....u must be pretty revolting

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 5, 10 at 12:31am
  • It's great to be a Florida Gator!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 11:15pm
  • What? That you're a whore?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 4:12pm
  • Lucky her to get it in the ass

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 7, 10 at 9:26pm
  • Legends?? Or leisions??

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 2:51pm
  • Damn, i LOVE Dallas Women!! I'm never going to move!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 10:18pm
  • Tell your girl sorry for what I did to her vagina :P lucky for u the ass wasn't touched.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 9, 10 at 7:35am
  • 4:16 please eloborate.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 4:32pm
  • What's the real legend?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:51am
  • Fake! OP needed to make herself feel good.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 8:25pm
  • Seriously, you all are just going "slut" because you're jealous...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 11:42pm
  • if its a "legend" then shes a slut

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 10:37pm
  • 557 what is run a train

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 6:51pm
  • Why are dallas fans the biggest banwaginers

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:03am
  • I smell great quantities of STD infested people on this site

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 9:59pm
  • I bet the legend is hair. Lots of it. Probably as hairy as her bush

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 5:40pm
  • So true 5:11. You guys are all jerks.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 5:15pm
  • Yeah or she just had really nice boobs.. Y'all are so fucking negative

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 3:24am
  • The OP must whore herself out a lot if all the boys are talking about her tits.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 10:28pm
  • The misterious Road map breasts !

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 4:28pm
  • One word,..conceited...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 5, 10 at 12:33am
  • 11:46 shit now I lost the game for the first time today... D:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 2:12am
  • you're a legendary whore, awesome...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 7:45pm
  • 11:39 For some reason when I read that It sounded like stiffler from amaricn pie in my head ! Fuck yea!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 5:07am
  • I thought the legend was I shoved my cock so far up her pussy she gave me blow job at the same time

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:40am
  • people who get mad because other people call her a slut, are just upset because they know its true haha

    Submitted by bassback on Oct 18, 10 at 3:19pm

    Submitted by PotLovingMF on Jul 15, 10 at 12:04pm
  • 1139 - no broad with any sort of class goes around bragging that there are legends about her. Ergo, hees classless. If there are legends, that means shes promiscous. Ergo, a slut. Shut your cocksucker

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 10:13am
  • Haha I second the ROLL TIDE!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 10:24pm
  • i'm with 651 i don't get it.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 6:54pm
  • S'all about that Dallas!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 11:42pm
  • no, the legend is that she took my 12 inch cock down her throat and it poked a hole in her neck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:29am
  • Yea baby reppin for the d-town!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 1:44am
  • the legend he was referring to was that you're easy as fuck, and will get with anything possesing a penis.. and a pair of legs

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 9:05pm
  • 959. Smelling means you're pretty close

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 10:53pm
  • Don't know much, but I'd hit it! On legend alone!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 7:47pm
  • This legend is making me thirsty.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:51pm
  • OP, what the hell are you talking about with that jl legend story? What exactly is it that is dried on your tits for what, like 20 years? First I just thought this text was pathetic but now I wonder if you have some serious issues.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 1:33am
  • 5:56 you have just made me throw-up just a little bit.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 6:27pm
  • I wish I had a specific gender

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 8:43pm
  • I wish this post came with a pic

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 8:30pm
  • Oh my god. She has breast reduction scars.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 10:52pm
  • what rumors are true, that you're a filthy fucking whore?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 11:12pm
  • Is this a Good Night or a Bad Night?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 9:33pm
  • Sad thing is something similar happened to me but I went into the living room and heard him on the phone saying "dude, they r bigger than they look. The bra holds them in. I can't even cover one with both hands." he's not my boyfriend anymore.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 8:05pm
  • One word.. Halarious

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 5, 10 at 2:03am
  • Ummmm how is she a slut???? Someone please tell me.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:09am
  • You just lost the game.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 11:46pm
  • I'll ergo your douchebag

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 5, 10 at 12:03am
  • In soviet russia I fuck cows.

    Submitted by חםפي on Nov 4, 10 at 4:02pm
  • im so happy that i know how she feels

    Submitted by vodkaluvver on Jul 7, 12 at 11:40pm
  • Wait what are legnds?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:17am
  • Not a slut at all. Good For you girl!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 11:11pm
  • Just because guys talk about a girls tits doesn't mean she is a whore. And a girl can't help it if she has big tits and guys talk about her like that. I kno from experience. Guys talk about tits they like it's a fact of life get over it.

    Submitted by southernbelle12 on Jun 21, 11 at 2:55am
  • Everything is bigger in Texas:)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 29, 10 at 4:52am
  • I bet she has hairy teats.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 7:21pm
  • Bible hump

    Submitted by ashton131 on Jul 23, 12 at 2:21am
  • 4:15 that was perfection hahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 6, 10 at 5:12pm
  • I suppose you're on everyone's tongue

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 4:57pm
  • i love huge tits :-) I'm so glad my gf has some nice big melons, and a big bubbly ass too :-)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 5, 10 at 7:44am
  • Well obviously y'all are perverts if you're even on this website. And I love when this happens.

    Submitted by classsssssyy on Jan 16, 13 at 12:21pm