Laugh at their hypocrisy? I'm a member of the Republican Party, and trust me being a Republican is a party, and I don't understand how Republicans are hypocritical.
"Hepr derp, don`t abort babies that may be born into poverty, bad family situations, or will be generally unwanted by the parent(s) because killing is bad! But let`s support capital punishment and use a war to kill hundreds of innocent people."
Hypocrisy, yes?
you are retarted. abortion is wrong. own up to your shit dont kill an innocent child. get it together you dumb ignorant stupid poor democrat fucks. disgusting.
Who the fuck gets on tfln to argue about politics!? Truth is bush dropped the ball and Obama is fucking up pretty bad too. So let it go youre never gonna win an argument with either side!?
I no undrestand why republicens think they smart....... We Demicrats ar waaaay smartter than yous guys!! All yous reps r just a bunch off stoopid hicks from the south who believe in religion.
To Obama haters,
What are you, children? Did you think he was going to march in, fix the recession in a few months and everything was going to be happy sunshine and rainbows? That isn't going to happen, it's going to take years to see a full recovery. While Bush made a lot of mistakes, you can't blame it on one person or one political party. It's everyone. If you knew anything about economics, you would know recessions don't fix themselves over night. Patience.
and this is why democrats piss me off. yall always say you support "tolerance" yet you bash the hell out of republicans every time you get the chance. why don't we both just respect each others views?
12:02 democrats are too busy blaming republicans for everything wrong in america. Our president sure has done something to change the economy, wait no he hasn't. He wants to tax us so our economy will be better in about five years. What money is he going to take?
Republicans are too busy ignoring facts/truth and sticking to their narrow-minded beliefs which no amounts of correct information can ever change. Oh, that and their guns.
11:00 am, totally. I'm sick of the vernacular, which is easily adopted and requires no creativity. Enough of ftw, win, overuse of "shame" "bring back up" and announcing how many words a succeeding pithy statement contains, eg, "Four words: [fill in blank with outrageous situation]."
12:02, it is true that Democrats are busy blaming Republicans for everything that's wrong in America. They're *very* busy. But let's not be too hard on them...
It's a long fucking list.
and a fetus is technically not considered a person in most states. also, fetuses (correct plural) don't feel pain until at least 20 weeks. it's not really the same. lol look it up
^ I agree with Seven-Fourteen. Our generation, the glorious American youth, is a herd of sheep. All of you posting that Republicans are hypocrites or that Democrats are foul, go bite a curb. I'll be there shortly.
yea sounds like a rockin party if you ask someone to "bring republicans"... kill yourself
actually, if you call yourself a republican or a democrat, kill yourself
How about everyone shut the fuck up.
Democrats have shit they say about republicans,
Republicans have shit they say about democrats.
I, personally, agree with parts of both parties but I was raised republican.
Plus, Obama is a bad president. He blames all the shit he causes on bush. It's not right.
Democrats want to point out that the war was wrong and that we have lost over 4000 troops in over 7 years of war, yet they support the death of the 4000 babies that were aborted TODAY alone!!!
(don't get me wrong, I don't mean to lessen the sacrifice those soldiers made, I fully support our brave men and women who fight for our freedom, I just think it is ironic)
1:16, you shouldn't make anybody feel bad about their less fortunate position the same way they shouldn't be trashing your character for the political party you choose to belong to. and i'm fairly moderate in my views, so i'm not saying this as a crazy liberal democrat lol. i'm just pointing something out, no disrespect.
psssh, democrats are sexiest. whoever heard of a nice piece of elephant?
ahahaa, i keed, i keed. my grandfather is republican, and he's very sexy for a senile 83-year-old, so there ya go.
I think our soldiers aren't killing innocent people, they are killing people shooting at them. I'm also sure there are democrats who believe in capital punishment, i know some. And abortion is good? If people are in such "hard" times, why would they take the risk. Wear a rubber, or better don't have sex.
yo everyone, debates are pointless: they waste time that could efficiently be used to better current situations. a mutual conclusion is never reached and people's differing beliefs are just reinforced cause they're fuckin pissed at each other and are fighting out of spite. just start a political civil war, cause we all know how well the first one went over..
Sounds like my family. And I'm always the one who needs Republican backup against the rest of the Tree Huggers in my family. Not always fun but always interesting when someone brings beer.
Democrats are just as close-minded as Republicans... It's like, people (in general) want you to change your mind or else you're considered close minded... However, you know you'll never be able to change their mind.
All you sheeple are just being force fed your opinions. You need to look at data supporting both arguments before you jump at each others throughts when both sides have legitimate points.
I love how people say Republicans suck or Democrats suck. C'mon guys. There are heroes and shady bastards/bitches on both sides. I'm prolife, but respect that you may not agree. I'm not gonna bomb your clinic or slash your tires. Grow up folks.
totally agree with 8:05 & 11:49
I'm totally sick of this country and everyone being at each other's throats...I'm just waiting for the country to divide into two on any given day
yes killing a child is wrong but it is not up to government or religion to make that choice for a woman. pro-choice does not mean supporting the murder of unborn children it means the woman has the option to terminate the pregnancy if she feels that the child will have no quality of life or it is necessary
The problem with America:
The Democrats or liberals who dislike Republicans who use this website couldn't just read the text and move on. They had to start trashing Republicans. They take any chance they can to trash Republicans. They don't even listen to either party's stance on the issues, they just have this word association, knee jerk reaction against the word Republican.
ah idk. both parties are too extreme in their views. but I definately side more with conservatives. Did anyone else hear about the democrats plan to spend billions on bed bug research?? Duh lets spend money on shit that doesnt matter.
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