Perhaps he's saying that he got a girl that's a stripper pregnant, as well as a girl who has been on Jerry springer... The only thing left for him to do now is to get a 16 year old pregnant.
Wow 5:39, I hope you're (YOU ARE) kidding. It's "yours". It's ridiculous that so many people use improper grammar and don't even know why they're (THEY ARE--learn that one too, genius) wrong.
Oh god calm down 7:51 like it's the end of the world if someone spells your wrong. Why don't you go fight for an important cause instead of correcting the grammer on tfln... Fucking loser
"good thing its springer and not Letterman because we'd never know if it was yours or Lettermans"
"good thing its springer and not Letterman because we'd never know if it was you ares or Lettermans"
-Someone that realizes if a contraction does not sound right when it is split up, it is not being used properly.
IQ just dropped from reading the "you'res" seriously idiot go back to school!
That sounds like my ex damn I was hoping that there weren't more dumb asses out there like him!
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