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  • 6:37 still hasn't had sex...that sucks.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 7:02pm
  • This is why there is AIDS...fucking useless people

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 9:27am
  • Way to go Modesto. Looks like that school board is doing a fine job!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 10:44pm
  • Fyi 7:13 college isn't the reason, your inability to use a condom is

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 7:24pm
  • Haha I'd change my name to learning so you could fuck me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:01pm
  • this was my text and most of you read too far into it, take a breath and calm down before you hurt yourselves. my education is doing just fine thank you very much. i just like to have a little fun in between classes. whatev. [and i have no stds or aids, so chill]

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 23, 09 at 10:30pm
  • Stop being sexist 6:08.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:36pm
  • sounds like you are doing a pretty good job at fucking off learning

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 11:00pm
  • total win. hahahaaha.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 8:31pm
  • down there \/ was me 916

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 4:13am
  • Oooooh Central California. What would we do without you?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:32pm
  • @8:11 i go to columbia too. but uh, i don't know why anyone would send their kids off to go fuck with some burly mountain folk.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 9:24pm
  • I think this is what's wrong with the world today. We make our parents pay hundreds of thousands of dollars so we can go away and fuck for four years, then we're released into a world which we will one day rule.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:37pm
    • some people pay for their own education. so maybe they are fucking their way through college. dont judge.

      Submitted by christindyan on Feb 18, 10 at 2:18am
  • San Joaquin valley blows

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 4:52am
  • Thank you for not only being a fokkin hilarious text but also using the word "literally" in the proper context unlike most of the texts on here thast use it. Also, to the first 7:43pm - oh please shut the fuck up you snotty cunt. I hate when people abuse the practice and use of karma. Just because you can't get any...sheesh

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 4:25am
  • Hahahahahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 20, 10 at 4:52am
  • 'pointing and laughing'

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:56pm
  • figuratively not literally, maybe you should try learning.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 5:24am
  • Or get an education for four year, make lots of money, then fuck for the rest of your life..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 3:17am
  • So, this one time, I was watching HBO, and there was a special on, and they were teaching people how to fuck better. I learned a thing or two. -White Guy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 7:52pm
  • College is to blame for my crabs...and the herpes the crabs have :-(

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 7:13pm
  • Everybody point and laugh at 6:37. Haha 6:37 *pointing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:51pm
  • Sounds like you're already fucking learning.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:34pm
  • the best thing about college is that each year there is a new group of horny street legal freshman girls to fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 5:41am
  • Columbia JC? I live in Twain Harte.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 8:11pm
  • Fucking stupidity is so much more fun, since most men are in that category!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:08pm
  • True that

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 26, 10 at 7:55pm
  • OP is a gentleman and a scholar

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 12:05am
  • Anonymous about that crabs and herpes. That's just cuz you're a whore. Yuck!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 7:45pm
  • Whoaaa 6:37 here, my use of the word "we" meant I do the same thing. It's just that I'm aware that I'm part of the problem. Calm down lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 2:19am
  • Haha!! That made me lol!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 7:43pm
  • Let's all just hope that he has to pay a huge loan back for a wasted education. Karma.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 7:43pm
  • 6:08 is a fucking whore cunt with daddy issues. 6:37 is a cunt who should speak for herself. Some of us pay for our own college, you know. God damn right I'm going to fuck anything that consents, I'm paying my own thousands of dollars to be here!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 8:40pm
  • Sarre needs to stfu or get laid. Pick one.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 7:25pm
  • Ur the reason I hate that part of Cali

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 4:12am
  • Oh hell yes. And fuck yeah 209

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 4:57am
  • Ruled by people who are good at fucking after those said 4 years. Better get into the porn industry or something.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:49pm
  • 6:37 makes a good point. Our parents do pay for us to go away and fuck for four years. Thanks mom and dad. (;

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 8:29pm
  • 7:23 "sarre" Learn how to spell alcohol. obviously college wasnt very good to you either.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 30, 09 at 5:00am
  • I like it. It's the truth. I would literally fuck you if I could.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 27, 09 at 9:42pm
  • Wrong, thats the only good thing with the world today.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:47pm
  • ))<>(( back and forth forever

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 8:46pm
  • oh man I can't wait for college ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 7, 09 at 6:07pm
  • love this with every part of my coul lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 22, 09 at 3:13am
  • Sex drugs and alchohol aren't what life is about. -Sarre

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 7:23pm
  • Honey I hope you're being safe. That's kinda scary.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:19pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 14, 10 at 1:37am
  • Friggen rights...... now if only there was a decent selection at my college.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 2:21am
  • somebody needs to get some boootay!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 5:06am