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  • They're not mad, just disappointed.

    Submitted by Binders_of_Women on May 26, 13 at 11:16pm
  • So, your parents are passive-aggressive in their criticisms. If they can't say what is on their mind, then you can't be blamed for missing the point. Win-win.

    Submitted by fly_bi_night on May 26, 13 at 9:32pm
  • Possible the parents are very strict, or the OP is borderline soon hit a downward spiral. Doubt they are worried for no reason.

    Submitted by Axel5238 on May 27, 13 at 1:29am
  • Hey at least they don't yell at you. Maybe they should since it obviously isn't working.

    Submitted by pen1saurusdix on May 26, 13 at 8:04pm