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  • " i never stooled while looking someone directly in the eye" <----HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT MADE ME LAUGH!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 12:04pm
  • lmmfao god i love hearing poop stories.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 8:53pm
  • WTF is wrong with you??!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 12:14pm
  • i feel like the client would notice the ensuing smell...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 11:22am
  • stooled? no one says that, douche

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 2:01pm
  • who says stooled? are we in med school?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 2:14am
  • I've "stooled" myself in public before. Worst night of my life. Never ever ignore the signs!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 6:28pm
  • rofl "stooled" rofl rofl rofl

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 3:09am
  • so so gross haha maybe he/she was on the ali pill

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 11:10am
  • hahaha greatest text yet... stooled...i like it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 2:49pm
  • what is v. sick, June 9, 2009 6:16pm?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 5:59pm
  • DO PEOPLE REALLY DO THIS???? in my 23 years of life... through sickness and in health i have NEVER... NEVER "stooled" myself..... how does that happen????

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 12:42pm
  • he "Sharted" its a Fart where some shit slips out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 11:03am
  • LMAO at the two responses, I was thinkin the same thing!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 11:01am
  • Sadly, my phone number starts with this area code too, and West Elm would be in Red Bluff, California. Good job Bluff, Good Job.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 16, 09 at 8:02pm
  • it stands for "very sick". Idiot

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 7:49am
  • thats awesome that u can stool while looking someone in the eye. No squinting or funny faces? that is talent. I think. I woulda busted a nut. Wait. I think I just did. Good story anyway! Hope ya feel better

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 10:13am
  • it was food poisoning...and a nurse had used the term "stool" as a verb, which my friend and i laughed ourselves sick over, so now we use it to amuse ourselves. no matter if other people think we're douches.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 4:49am
  • best text I have read!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 11:18pm
  • agreed 403, fuck all the haters..."stooled" is definitely a new part of my vocabularly

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 2:01am
  • I'm from the dirty 530!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 8, 09 at 11:32pm
  • I had a flu recently that had a side effect of spontaneous shits for weeks. Twice I didn't make it to the bathroom, but thank god I was at home!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 9:03pm
  • 12:10 this text probable came from a grad student at UCD

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 1:05pm
  • Side effect of swine flu? :P

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 3:45am
  • seriously, two grown people used "stool" as an everyday word. DOUCHES.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 7:51pm
  • Nasty. You been taking it up the ass? Shit just fallin' out now. *shudders*

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 10:54am
  • I don't see why people go on this website if they can't appreciate good humor...I find the term "stooled" absolutely hilarious and I appreciate their whit. =)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 4:03pm
  • haahahhhahahah BEST!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 9:13pm
  • seriously, are you crippled? walking to the bathroom was impossible?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 10:56am
  • "STOOLED?!" Who the hell says "stooled"... ever?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 12:10pm
  • you must have a killer poker face.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 27, 09 at 7:31pm
  • That's happened to me once before. the in public stuff. Once in HS when my mom was picking me up... and the movie theater was closed, no bathroom, and i had food poisoning. then she had to drive me home with my friend in the car... sooooo awkward. I feel for you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 8:03pm
  • Lmao!!!!!!!

    Submitted by deanne333 on Sep 21, 10 at 3:38am
  • Oh my god. Sooooo funny.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 1:02am
  • 12:42 Give it time; it WILL happen.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 4:37pm
  • i laughed out loud upon reading that. a good hearty man laugh.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 2:38pm
  • Why did two people say stool as if that's justs something people say to each other.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 6:45pm
  • Chico, peeps, Chico.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 3, 09 at 6:44am
  • I like how you clarified. Keep up the good... er work.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 6:28pm
  • West Elm is in Woodland too, which is also the 530. Definitely a Woodlandish thing to do.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 23, 09 at 1:28pm
  • Hahahaha at 6:45 I was literally just thinking that. I'm sad there is no description of the person's face when they realized they were smelling shit.

    Submitted by 1run4fun on Sep 29, 10 at 6:24am
  • too much anal for you

    Submitted by spapa13 on Jul 7, 10 at 11:06pm
  • hahahahahah i was just about to write the EXACT thing as 2:14

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 2:27am
  • This is probably the most hilarious stuff ever! And 8:53 I also lovveeeeeeee hearing shit stories!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10, 09 at 5:39am