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  • Just throw up on them and start growling incoherently. They'll either run screaming or try to cast out that demon. win/win

    Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Feb 20, 12 at 11:24am
  • Aviator sunglasses, lounge pants and a baseball bat. How do normal people answer the door?

    Submitted by ezotarik on Feb 20, 12 at 4:45pm
  • Answer the door naked. There's still time to convert the converted.

    Submitted by Hobbit on Feb 20, 12 at 1:57pm
  • God religion is so fucked.

    Submitted by PenisVagina on Feb 20, 12 at 12:04pm
  • They want to try to talk to me about the Bible?\n\nOkay. I won't deny them that. Free speech and whatnot.\n\nBut WHY CAN'T THEY WAIT FOR THE GODDAMN AFTERNOON???

    Submitted by rosa_rouge on Feb 21, 12 at 12:20am